The main tasks of the Antimonopoly Committee are:

implementation of unified state policy in the area of ensuring a competitive environment in product and financial markets;

implementation of systematic analysis of the competitive environment in product and financial markets, the identification and suppression of abuse of dominant position, “cartel” agreements and collusions,

unfair competition of business entities;

antitrust regulation of tenders, economic concentration and state aid;

ensuring non-discriminatory access of market participants to highly liquid goods (works, services), including those produced by natural monopolies;

assessment of the impact of legislative acts on competition, prevention of decision-making and implementation of actions of state bodies restricting competition.


The Antimonopoly Committee, in accordance with the tasks assigned to it, performs the following functions:

a) in the area of implementation of a unified state policy for the development of a competitive environment in product and financial markets:

coordinates the activities of state bodies and bodies of state power in the localities in developing competition and limiting monopolistic activity;

develops proposals for further improvement of antitrust regulation and protection of competition;

makes suggestions for further improvement of legislation and law enforcement practice, the abolition of individual benefits, preferences and privileges that limit the development of competition;

carries out a systematic study and implementation of international best practices in the field of antitrust regulation and the development of competitive environment;

develops, with the involvement of ministries and departments, strategic programs, road maps and other program documents aimed at further improving the competitive environment in commodity and financial markets;

organizes comprehensive cooperation with the antitrust authorities of foreign countries and international organizations in the field of antitrust regulation and the development of a competitive environment;

maintains and publishes a register of business entities and government bodies that violate competition law;

within its competence, ensures the protection of business entities from unfair competitors and illegal decisions of state bodies, actions (inaction) of their officials who violate competition laws;

within its competence, controls the implementation by state bodies and business entities that occupy a dominant position of regulatory and other acts to ensure access of business entities to commodity or financial markets

b) in the area of a systematic analysis of the competitive environment in product and financial markets, the identification and suppression of abuse of dominant position, “cartel” agreements and collusions, unfair competition of business entities:

conducts studies of state of the competitive environment in commodity and financial markets and identifies the dominant position of an economic entity or group of persons, determines the composition of participants in a group of persons;

implements measures to identify and to prevent abuse of dominant position, cartel agreements and collusion;

interacts with law enforcement agencies in the identification and suppression of complex types of anti-competitive actions, “cartel” agreements and conspiracies;

introduces antitrust compliance in state bodies and economic entities;

develops proposals to reduce the cost of goods (work, services) of business entities that occupy a dominant position, and entities of natural monopolies;

establishes the facts of unfair competition related to the acquisition of the exclusive right to means of individualization of a legal entity and means of individualization of goods;

monitors the prices of goods (services) produced (provided) by business entities or by a group of persons included in the State Register of business entities that occupy a dominant position in the product or financial market;

forms and maintains state registers of business entities that occupy a dominant position in the product or financial market, and entities of natural monopolie

c) in the field of antitrust regulation of tenders, economic concentration and state aid: exercises control in compliance with the legislation on competition when conducting competitive (tender) and exchange tenders:

exercises control over market concentration by issuing prior consent in the manner prescribed by law for the acquisition by a person or a group of persons of shares (stakes) in the authorized capital (authorized capital) of an economic entity, as well as the merger and takeover of economic entities;

considers, in the manner prescribed by law, issues of providing state aid to business entities with a view to observing the competition law;

carries out licensing of commodity exchanges and controls their compliance with license requirements and conditions;

maintains a register of commodity exchange licenses;

develops and approves, together with a specially authorized state body, internal control rules to prevent the legalization of proceeds from crime, the financing of terrorism and the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction for members of commodity exchanges, as well as monitor and enforce them in the manner prescribed by commodity exchanges law;

participates within the competence in the development and implementation of measures to counter the legalization of proceeds from crime, the financing of terrorism and the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction;

carries out international cooperation in the field of preventing money laundering, the financing of terrorism and the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction;

d) in the field of ensuring non-discriminatory access of market participants to highly liquid goods (works, services), including those produced by natural monopolies:

makes decisions in accordance with the established procedure on placing highly liquid monopolistic types of products at exchange trading;

exercises control in accordance with the established procedure for exhibiting highly liquid and monopolistic types of products for exchange trading;

improves mechanisms of state regulation of natural monopolies;

monitors compliance with the procedure for the sale of goods (services) by natural monopoly entities and makes proposals on determining the list of consumers subject to compulsory service;

establishes and suppresses anticompetitive actions and unreasonable growth in regulated prices (tariffs), as well as predatory and excessive prices for goods (services) produced (provided) by business entities or by a group of persons included in the State Register of Business Entities that Dominate the Commodity  or financial market;

carries out analysis and monitoring of compliance with regulated prices (tariffs) and margins on goods (work, services);

e) in the area of assessing the impact of legislative acts on competition, preventing decision-making and implementing actions of state bodies that restrict competition:

 carries out examination of drafts and existing normative legal acts, as well as other documents introduced and adopted by state and business administration bodies and local government bodies, with regard to their impact on the competitive environment;

makes proposals on making amendments and additions to draft regulatory legal acts, as well as in the case of the inappropriateness of their adoption;

makes proposals on the abolition of legislative acts and decisions of state bodies that have a negative impact on the competitive environment.

The Antimonopoly Committee also performs other functions in accordance with the law.

Priority areas of activity of

Competition Promotion and Consumer Protection Committee


Priority areas of activity of Competition Promotion and Consumer Protection Committee are:

а) ensuring competition, regulating the activities of commodity exchanges, protecting consumer rights and implementing a unified state policy in the field of advertising, coordinating the activities of state bodies in this direction and monitoring compliance with legislation in these areas;
b) ensuring a competitive environment in commodity, financial and digital markets, identifying and suppressing “cartel” agreements and collusions, practices of unfair competition;
c) fighting against monopolies, elimination of abuse of their position and anticompetitive actions of economic entities occupying a dominant position, including subjects of natural monopolies;
d) assessment of the impact of legal documents and their drafts on competition, preventing the adoption of decisions and the implementation of actions that limit competition by republican and local executive authorities;
e) antimonopoly regulation of economic concentration and state assistance in competitive (tender) bidding;
f) regulation of the activities of commodity exchanges and their members, as well as trading in commodity derivatives;
j) taking measures against unreasonable increase in prices for basic consumer, monopoly and highly liquid goods;
h) development of comprehensive sectoral programs, support of non-governmental non-profit organizations and other civil society institutions operating in the field of competition development, consumer protection and advertising;
i) making proposals on strengthening, preparing, concluding and implementing international agreements, establishing international cooperation in the field of competition development, consumer protection and advertising.