The main tasks of department are:

Ensuring effective implementation of functions and tasks assigned to the Committee with territorial offices and organizations under the Committee;

implementation and control over it of antimonopoly compliance in state bodies and business entities;

assessment and ensuring  effectiveness of work on antimonopoly compliance in state bodies and business entities;

Improving legal and methodological base of the department’s field of activity.

Department performs the following functions in accordance with tasks assigned to it:

introduces antimonopoly supervision in state bodies and business entities;

evaluates results of fulfillment of important antimonopoly compliance performance indicators;

examines report on compliance with antimonopoly legislation submitted by state bodies and business entities;

Provides organizational and information-analytical support for activities of department;

Provides legal support for activities of department;

develops proposals for further improvement of antimonopoly compliance;

within its competence, ensures protection of business entities from unscrupulous competitors and unlawful decisions of state bodies, actions (inaction) of officials that violate competition law;

Develops and improves regulatory and methodological base on issues within competence of department;

considers appeals of individuals and legal entities on issues within competence of department;

takes necessary actions to eliminate offenses within its competence on issues within competence of department;

Coordinates compliance activities of territorial branches of the Committee on issues within competence of department;

performs other functions in accordance with the law.