Main tasks of Division are the following:

Organization of structural divisions of central apparatus of the Committee;

Consideration of appeals of individuals and legal entities, control and analysis of timely execution of assignments and documents, implementation of a unified system of document movement and accounting;

Organization of methodical management on organization of executive discipline and control in structural divisions, regional departments and departmental structures of central apparatus of the Committee;

Learning and coordination state of executive discipline in structural units, regional offices and departmental structures of central apparatus of the Committee, to provide necessary assistance in eliminating identified deficiencies and to inform heads of structural units, regional offices and departmental structures of central apparatus about this;

Consideration of appeals of individuals and legal entities, control and analysis of execution of documents, provision of methodical assistance in matters of improving movement of documents, accounting and registration system;

Division performs the following functions to fulfill tasks assigned to it:

Coordinating the timely execution of documents and assignments in structural units, regional offices and departmental structures of the central apparatus of the Committee in accordance with the procedure established by law;

to maintain a unified database for consideration of Appeals of individuals and legal entities, ensuring formation of Appeals, assignments and documents of individuals and legal entities in program of automated control of executive discipline, monitoring their implementation and summarizing results of executive discipline;

to present current (daily), monthly, quarterly analysis of executive discipline to management and presents information on the results of analysis for consideration at meetings of Board of the Committee;

to keep track of movement and accounting of documents and tasks, improving unified system of control and analysis of documents on the basis of new information technologies, as well as developing proposals for increasing the quality of control and introducing them to management;

to control over the quality and timely implementation of the execution of their tasks decisions and assignments of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees, decisions, orders, assignments and assignments of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions, orders and assignments of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions and assignments of the Presidium of the Cabinet of Ministers, as well as decisions and assignments of the committee Board and Management in central apparatus of the committee is in structural units, territorial departments and departmental affiliated structures;

to organiz of weekly warning control of enforcement discipline, formation of documents, form documents, provide information in paper and electronic form on the documents and tasks that must be completed within the specified period to the heads of structural divisions, regional departments and departmental structures of the central apparatus

to monitor regularly and analyze the timely entry of data and supporting documents into the “” single electronic system of executive discipline on the execution of control documents and assignments by responsible executives;

to prepare of information on the status of executive discipline at the end of the previous quarter for consideration and discussion at the board meetings at the end of each quarter and presentation to the management for taking disciplinary measures and making relevant decisions to increase their responsibility;

To prepare of information on cross-section of performers on status of executive discipline on the results of previous quarter for consideration and discussion at jury meetings on the results of each quarter and submission to management for disciplinary action and making appropriate decisions to increase their responsibility;

To receive documents from control based on the information provided by the employees of the structural units, regional offices and departmental structures of the central apparatus of the Committee on the fulfillment of tasks;

To study systematic of state of organization of executive discipline and control in structural divisions, regional administrations and departmental structures of the central apparatus of the Committee based on plan approved by management, methodological and improvement of unified system of registration based on study results, accounting, movement, analysis and control provide practical assistance.

To inform the management of the results of study on state of executive discipline in the structural units, regional departments and departmental structures of the Central Apparatus and to make suggestions on eliminating identified deficiencies;

Division can also carry out other functions in accordance with legislation, decisions of Chairman of committee and Board.