Responsibilities and functions of department

The main tasks of department are:

assistance in protecting rights and interests of consumers (individuals) in the field of housing and communal services, construction and transport;

assistance in protecting rights and interests of consumers (individuals) in the field of communications, telecommunications, banking, financial, insurance, payment, medical, educational, consulting, leasing services;

implementation of a unified state policy in the field of regulation of the advertising market and development of creative industries;

assistance in protecting rights and interests of consumers (individuals) in the field of regulation of advertising market;

assistance in protecting rights and interests of consumers (individuals) in the field of consumer protection, trade, public catering and tourism;

analysis of consumer rights protection in relevant areas in adopted regulatory legal documents, as well as preparation of proposals and objections;

analysis of causes of violations of consumer rights and preparation of proposals for their elimination (prevention);

organization and implementation of development by structural units to ensure achievement of planned indicators related to activities of the Committee for Consumer Protection;

assistance in raising level of consumer culture and literacy of population.

Taking measures to ensure unconditional fulfillment of indicators of management plan, increasing personal responsibility of employees for achieving these indicators;

taking measures to prevent corruption and other offenses in accordance with the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Combating Corruption” by developing and implementing measures to improve law enforcement practice and regulations, as well as determining causes and conditions that contribute to their commission, analysis, elimination;

compliance with requirements of law when working with information constituting a state secret and confidential information;

receiving and analyzing reports from competent authorities in the field of consumer protection and advertising regulation, as well as implementation of prevention and prevention of violations of consumer rights in cooperation with them;

systematic study and analysis of existing problems in the field of consumer protection and regulation of advertising activities using social networks and other resources, public opinion on these issues, as well as conducting social surveys and developing proposals that take into account interests of consumers;

on basis of information provided on state of performance discipline, determination and implementation, together with officials, of necessary practical measures to ensure execution of documents, execution of which is under control, in due time.