In order to bring to a new stage of our reforms to further improve the living standards of the population, bring the quality of education in line with advanced international standards, achieve sustainable economic growth and reduce poverty in accordance with the objectives identified in the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026 and Message of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Oliy Majlis and the people of Uzbekistan by Decree of the President of Uzbekistan dated February 28, 2023 NoDP-27, the State Program for the Implementation of the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026 in the Year of Caring for People and quality Education was adopted.

The Committee sent proposals to the Cabinet of Ministers for inclusion in the State Program for 2023, and basised on these proposals, in order to develop competition by eliminating existing obstacles to new participants entering the markets, the State Program identified such tasks as:

  1. Development of proposals for the abolition of exclusive rights that restrict competition;
  2. Development of “Roadmaps” for the development of competition in at least 2 product markets;
  3. Development of rules aimed at limiting the negative impact of associations of legal entities on market competition in the field of grid regulation.

In order to ensure the implementation of tasks of this state program, an analysis of existing exclusive rights that restrict competition was carried out, and based on the results of the analysis, a list of exclusive rights granted to individual business entities was compiled, and an action plan was developed to be implemented to cancel them.

Also, in order to approve and implement these measures, a draft Presidential Decree “On measures to remove obstacles that have a negative impact on the competitive environment and further expand business activities” (ID-72751) was prepared and submitted to the relevant ministries and departments for approval. Currently, proposals and objections are being received from ministries and departments, and a project is being developed on their basis.

In addition, the Committee analyzes the relevant markets and, on their basis, a Roadmap will be developed for the development of competition in the commodity market.

Foreign experience is being studied in order to develop rules aimed at limiting the negative impact of associations of legal entities on market competition in the regulation of networks.