The main tasks and functions of the Analysis and regulation of commodity, financial and digital markets division are as follows:

  • analysis and monitoring of the state of the competitive environment in commodity, financial and digital markets, including cases of a dominant position by a separate business entity or group of individuals and assessment;
  • development and implementation of programs for the development of competition in the republic’s regions, including economic sectors;
  • maintaining and forming the State Register of economic entities with a dominant position in the commodity or financial markets;
  • preparation and review of drafts of regulatory legal documents regulating relations in relevant commodity and financial markets;
  • in order to establish a healthy competitive environment, to create equal conditions for all market subjects, to conduct studies on reducing the state’s participation in the economy (reducing the state’s participation in the authorized capital (fund) of economic entities) and development of relevant proposals;
  • in order to study the healthy competitive environment and its impact on business entities, state aid to business entities (tax and customs benefits, preferences, exclusive rights) study.

As of January 1, 2020, 101 economic entities with 101 goods (work, services) were included in the State Register of economic entities with a dominant position in the commodity or financial markets.

Over 30 commodity and financial markets were studied by the Board during the last reporting period, as a result, 9 economic entities with a dominant position in the commodity or financial markets were included in the State Register.

Main tasks of department are:


to analyse of competitiveness of commodity, financial and digital markets;

to examine state of competitive environment in commodity and financial markets and determines  dominant position of an economic entity or a group of persons, determining  composition of  participants in a group of persons;

to formate and maintenance of state register (hereinafter referred to as the State Register) of economic entities that occupy a dominant position in commodity or financial market;

to determine degree of filling domestic market with goods produced in our country;

to Coordinate of activities of territorial bodies of Committee on methodological support of activities of structural divisions of Committee and its territorial departments, as well as on issues within  competence of  department;

Department performs the following functions in accordance with the tasks assigned to it:

conducts analysis and monitoring of state of commodity, financial and digital markets independently or jointly with territorial bodies, structural divisions of Committee;

develops and implements proposals on measures to improve competition, as well as market relations and antimonopoly analysis of commodity, financial and digital markets;

participates in preparation of draft regulatory documents regulating relations in relevant markets;

participates in development and implementation of programs for development of commodity, financial and digital markets;

analyzes and prepares conclusions on draft legislative and other regulatory legal acts together with Legal Support Department of the Committee on issues within the competence of the Department;

conducts analysis and monitoring of state of commodity, financial and digital markets independently or jointly with territorial bodies, structural divisions of Committee;

develops and implements proposals on measures to improve competition, as well as market relations and antitrust analysis of commodity, financial and digital markets;

participates in preparation of draft legal documents regulating relations in relevant markets;

participates in development and implementation of programs for development of commodity, financial and digital markets;

analyzes and prepares opinions on draft legislative and other regulatory legal acts together with legal support department of Committee on issues within competence of department;

considers and prepares conclusions on applications and notifications sent to Committee in prescribed manner and within competence of department, in accordance with requirements of antimonopoly legislation and other regulatory legal acts on protection of competition in commodity, financial and digital markets;

considers, within competence of department and in prescribed manner, appeals and materials of legal entities and individuals, including individual entrepreneurs, state authorities and local self-government, Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the prosecutor’s office;

prepares materials for sending to prosecution authorities and other law enforcement agencies in accordance with legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

prepares materials for initiating cases on violation of antimonopoly legislation and other regulatory legal acts on protection of competition within competence of department;

organizes and controls consideration of cases on violation of antimonopoly legislation and other regulatory legal acts on protection of competition;

prepares or participates in preparation of documents on bringing citizens, legal entities and officials to administrative responsibility for violation of antimonopoly legislation and other regulatory legal acts in the field of competition protection;

participates in consideration of cases in courts in accordance with the established procedure, together with the legal support department of Committee;

evaluates facts of abuse of a dominant position by financial organizations in terms of their impact on state of competitive environment in relevant product market;

participates in preparation of clarifications on application of antimonopoly legislation and other normative legal documents in the field of competition protection together with the Legal Support Department of  Committee. Summarizes practice of applying antimonopoly legislation and other legal documents in the field of competition protection within the competence of department;

processes, analyzes and summarizes periodic report of territorial bodies of  Committee within powers of department;

participates in development and implementation of international projects and programs on issues within competence of Department on behalf of the head of Committee;

performs other functions in accordance with law.

As of the end of 2023, the list of economic entities recognized as having a dominant position in the commodity or financial market includes 90 enterprises for 104 goods (works, services).
In 2023, the Department for Analysis and Regulation of Commodity, Financial and Digital Markets investigated more than 180 commodity and financial markets, of which more than 30 markets were fully analyzed, and 150 of them were subject to express analysis (the degree of saturation of the domestic market with the given products produced in the country).
Based on the results of the analysis, 12 enterprises (including enterprises that are part of JSC “Uzbekistan Temir Yo’llari” as a group of persons) were recognized as dominant in 11 goods and services, and 9 enterprises were recognized as having lost their dominant position in 9 goods and services.