On the occasion of the 27th anniversary of the adoption of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, by the Competition Promotion and Consumer Protection Committee and its territorial departments, promotion events are organized in the places. In particular, such activities carried out by the territorial departments of the Committee…

Ensuring the implementation of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” in Uzbekistan, the work carried out in the system

Today, on April 26, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Protection of Consumer Rights” (April 26, 1996) was adopted, which is exactly 27 years old. In this regard, at today’s briefing I present information about the main work carried out by the Competition Promotion and Consumer Protection Committee for the 1st quarter of…

On the occasion of the 27th anniversary of the adoption of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, promotional activities continue in the regions

On the occasion of the 27th anniversary of the adoption of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, promotional activities continue in the regions. The next event was held by the Competition Promotion and Consumer Protection Committee of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. The event provided detailed information on consumer culture…

The updated Constitution is an important legal basis for democratic development

The updated Constitution is a new and improved document, its adaptation to the reality in society, to the great milestones of the development strategy of New Uzbekistan, is one of the main requirements of today. The Competition Promotion and Consumer Protection Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan in cooperation with the Legislative Chamber of the…

Training seminar on “Combating collusion in public procurement” for officials of responsible bodies in the field of public procurement

Today, on March 16, the Competition promotion and Consumer Protection Committee and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) held a training seminar for officials of responsible bodies in the field of public procurement, on the topic “Combating collusion in public procurement” at the “City Palace Tashkent” hotel. Representatives of the delegation led by…

15th of MARCH WORLD CONSUMER RIGHTS DAY (press conference)

15th of MARCH WORLD CONSUMER RIGHTS DAY Consumers’ right protection: challenges and solutions Press conference on the results of 2022 On March 14, 2023, the Competition Promotion and Consumer Protection Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan held a conference on the topic: “Consumers’ right protection: challenges and solutions”. The Competition Promotion and Consumer Protection Committee…

Representatives of the Committee took part in seminar-training

On February 21-24 of this year representatives of the Competition Promotion and Consumer Protection Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan took part in seminar-training on “Consumer protection and dispute resolution (cases from the regulators practice)” organized in Tashkent city by the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in cooperation with the U.S. Agency…

Representatives of the Committee took part in seminar-training

On February 21-24 of this year representatives of the Competition Promotion and Consumer Protection Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan took part in seminar-training on “Consumer protection and dispute resolution (cases from the regulators practice)” organized in Tashkent city by the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in cooperation with the U.S. Agency…

Representatives of the committee took part in a meeting on antimonopoly policy in Kazan

On February 16-18, Representatives of the Competition Promotion and Consumer Protection Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, at the invitation of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation, took part in the next extended meeting of the Coordinating Council on Advertising under the Interstate Council for Antimonopoly Policy in Kazan. This event was organized…

Представители комитета приняли участие на заседании по антимонопольной политике в Казани

16-18 февраля т.г. Представители Комитета по развитию конкуренции и защите прав потребителей Республики Узбекистан, по приглашению Федеральной антимонопольной службы Российской Федерации приняли участие в очередном расширенном заседании Координационного совета по рекламе при Межгосударственном совете по антимонопольной политике в г. Казани. Данное мероприятие было организовано по случаю 20-летия подписания главами правительств стран СНГ Соглашения о сотрудничестве…