Register of organizations licensed to carry out commodity exchange activities, issued by the Antimonopoly Committee.


Name of company Type of exchange The address FULL NAME. the head Phone Site / E — mail License number License Issue Date
1. JSC “Uzbek Republican Commodity Exchange” Commodity Tashkent city st. Bobur d. 77 Badriddinov Ziyoviddin Bositovich – I.O. chairman of the board 71-207-00-33


DB 001



August 25, 2014
2. JSC “Republican Universal Agro-Industrial Exchange” Commodity Tashkent city st. Kushbegi d.18 Valitov Temur Shangareevich – General Director 71 250-52-08

71 250-52-06

71 250-52-04

71 250-52-21



DB 001



January 1, 2015