The register of companies that violated the Intellectual Property rights and Competition Law in 2023

The register of companies that violated the Intellectual Property rights and Competition Law in 2020


Company name Name of non-compliant document (article, paragraph) The fabula of offense Trademarks and Imitations
1. Sole Proprietor «Ishtaev B.М.» Article 13 of the Law “On competition”, Paragraphs 3rd and 4th. Sole Proprietor «Ishtayev B.M.» confectionery produced by

the SNICKRS and MAVS trademarks MARS Incorporated (USA), which were previously registered for confectionery products, were found to be graphically similar to the MARS trademarks.

Based on the results of the review by the Special Commission of the case №12/3 dated 21.01.2020 it was instructed to stop the violation of the Law and prevent further violations.

The report on the execution of the instruction by Sole Proprietor «Ishtaev B.M.» was submitted to the Committee on 27.02.2020.

2. «Oqdaryo Impex Trade» LLC Article 13 of the Law “On competition”, Paragraphs 3rd and 4th. The designation “От Щедрой Хозяйки” related to «Oqdaryo Impex Trade» LLC was graphically similar to the trademark “Щедрое Лето” of “Jirovoy Kombinat” JSC (Russian Federation).

Based on the results of the review by the Special Commission of the case №12/4 dated 21.01.2020 it was instructed to stop the violation of the Law and prevent further violations.

The report on the execution of the instruction by «Oqdaryo Impex Trade» LLC was submitted to the Committee on 21.02.2020.

3. Kibray «SHAROB» Article 13 of the Law “On competition”, Paragraph 4. The designation “MEDOVAYA” used in alcohol product produced by Kibray “SHAROB” was similar to the word “Medovaya” in the trademark “MEDOVAYa s limonom” in alcohol product previously introduced into civil circulation by “AFSAR COMPANY LTD” and was found to be graphically similar in terms of color matching (yellow-brown-gold).

Based on the results of consideration of the case No. 12/6 dated 30.01.2020 by the Special Commission of the Committee, Kibray “SHAROB has been instructed to stop and prevent further violations of the Law.

The report on execution of instruction was submitted on 17.02.2020.

4  «DOZ-TUR» МЧЖ “Рақобат тўғрисида”ги Қонуннинг 13-моддаси, биринчи қисми тўртинчи хатбошиси. «DOZ-TUR» МЧЖ  томонидан ишлаб чиқарилган алкогол маҳсулотидаги «МЕДОВАЯ сказка” савдо белгиси «AFSAR COMPANY LTD» МЧЖ ҚКсининг фуқаролик муомаласига аввал киритган алкогол маҳсулотидаги «МЕДОВАЯ с лимоном» белгисидаги “Медовая” сўзига айнан ўхшашлиги, шунингдек тасвирий белгилари ва ранглар уйғунлиги бўйича график ўхшаш деб топилган.Қўмита Махсус комиссияси томонидан 30.01.2020 йилдаги 12/6-сонли ишни кўриб чиқиш натижалари бўйича «DOZ-TUR» МЧЖга  қонунбузилиш ҳолатини тўхтатиш ва келгусида йўл қўймаслик тўғрисида кўрсатма берилган.

«DOZ-TUR» МЧЖнинг  28.02.2020 йилдаги  26-сонли хати билан кўрсатма ижро қилингани маълум қилинган.



Article 13 of the Law “On competition”, Paragraph 3. The word “Gardencells” used by Green Desert LLC in the content of the website was found to be similar to the “Garden Cells” trademark of Garden House LLC.

Based on the results of the review of the case No. 12/12 of 12.02.2020 by the Special Commission of the Committee, “Green Desert” LLC was instructed to stop the violation and prevent further violations.

LLC “Green Desert” reported that the instruction was executed on 12.03.2020.

6 «Dentafill Plyus» LLC Part 2 of the Law “On competition” LLC «Dentafill Plyus» registered trademarks for Galaxy toothpaste which were similar to Colgate-Palmolive Company’s (USA) Colgate toothpaste registered in Uzbekistan in terms of font, color combination, graphic spelling. «Dentafill Plyus» LLC appealed to the District court against the decision made by the Special Commission of the Committee on the results of the case No. 12/14.

By the decision of the Shaykhantakhur district administrative court dated 04.06.2020, the decision of the special commission remained in force.

7 «Medilux Pharma» LLC Article 13 of the Law “On competition”, Paragraph 3. Misleading of AMPISUL trademark of LLC «PHARM ABIDI INT» to AMPSUL, «Medilux Pharma» LLC. The designation was found to sound-like the registered trademark.

Based on the results of consideration of the case No. 12/15 «Medilux Pharma» LLC was instructed to stop the violation and prevent further violations.

«Medilux Pharma» LLC reported that the instruction was executed on 20.03.2020.



Article 13 of the Law “On competition”, Paragraph 3. The trademark “Kids COLOSTRUM” of BFQ, produced by LLC «SERENE PHARMA», was found to be similar in sound to the previously registered trademark “KOLOSTRUM / COLOSTRUM” for BFQ of the same composition of LLC “LUX SUNRISE PHARMA”.

Based on the results of consideration of the case No. 12/18 dated 06.03.2020 by the Special Commission of the Committee, LLC «SERENE PHARMA» was instructed to stop the violation and prevent further violations. LLC «SERENE PHARMA» has complied with the instructions.

9 «MEDIOFARM» LLC Article 13 of the Law “On competition”, Paragraph 3. The trademark “MILDROMED” related to «MEDIOFARM» LLC previously registered for drugs of the same composition by the company “GRINDEKS, Akciju Sabiedriba” (Latvia). «MILDPON» was found to be similar to “MILDROMED”.

Based on the results of consideration of the case No. 12/23 dated 01.07.2020 by the Special Commission of the Committee, LLC «MEDIOFARM» was instructed to stop the violation and prevent further violations.

LLC «MEDIOFARM» complied with the instructions.

10  “USTA XASAN QANDOLATCHI LLC Article 13 of the Law “On competition”, Paragraph 3 and 4 Confectioner “USTA XASAN QANDOLATCHI” LLC was accused in use of similar to the «PERFECT CANDY» LLC’s «ZEBRA» trademark «ZERDA» designation

Based on the results of consideration of the case No. 12/36 dated 21.08.2020 by the Special Commission of the Committee, “USTA XASAN QANDOLATCHI” LLC was instructed to stop the violation and prevent further violations.


(Territorial department of Bukhara region)

Article 13 of the Law “On competition”, Paragraph 3 and 4 «HIMOLIFE» designation used by “SHAMS MEHNAT OBOD BARAKA” LLC was found to be misleading to the «HYDROLIFE» trademark registered in the name of «HYDROLIFE BOTTLERS» LLC.

Based on the results of consideration of the case No.05/03 dated 11.02.2020 by the Special Commission of the Bukhara Regional Territorial Department, “SHAMS MEHNAT OBOD BARAKA” LLC was instructed to stop and prevent further violations. However, due to non-compliance with the instructions, the department sent all the documents to the court to take action in accordance with the requirements of Article 178 of the Code of Administrative Liability.


(Namangan regional department)

Article 13 of the Law “On competition”, Paragraph 3 and 4 “TerlaFlu” word elements produced used by “MERRYMED ҒARM” LLC was found to have a sound (phonetic) similarity, ideological similarity and color combination to the “THERAFLU” brand.

Based on the results of consideration of the case No. 02/1 dated 12.02.2020 by the Special Commission of the Namangan Territorial Department, LLC “MERRYMED ҒARM” was instructed to stop and prevent further violations.


(Namangan regional department)

Article 13 of the Law “On competition”, Paragraph 3 LLC «SPRING PHARMACEUTIC» JV

The Koniferan SP trademark of the biologically active additive manufactured by BIONORISA SE has been found to be at a level of misleading to the Kanefron trademark.

According to the results of consideration of the case No. 02/11 dated 06.07.2020 by the Special Commission of the Namangan Regional Department, SHAMS MEHNAT OBOD BARAKA LLC was instructed to stop the violation and prevent further violations. The Company announced its termination of use of this trademark in its response letter No. 19 dated 04.08.2020.

14 “Metal service invest” LLC

(Territorial department of Fergana region)


Article 13 of the Law “On competition”, Paragraph 3 “Metal service invest” LLC

purchased previously used packaging boxes of the «MEXMASH» brand, registered in the name of «Mexmash» LLC from waste paper collection points, and sold its products in these packaging boxes.

According to the results of consideration of the case No. 01-05/03 dated 16.06.2020 by the Special Commission of the Fergana Regional Territorial Department, “Metal service invest” LLC was instructed to stop and prevent further violations.

A response letter dated 02.07.2020 was issued stating that the Company had complied with the requirements of the instruction.

15 “Chimyon obihayot” LLC

(Territorial department of Fergana region)

Article 13 of the Law “On competition”, Paragraph 4 The trademark “FINALLY” in the product manufactured by “Chimyon obihayot” LLC has used a designation “FINALLY” which was found to be similar with the “FAMILY” trademark given to “Family group” LLC.

According to the results of the case initiated by the Special Commission of the Fergana Regional Department No. 01-05/15dated 14.09.2020, Chimyon Obihayot LLC was instructed to stop the violation and prevent further violations.


16 «Shirin Asal Food» LLC

(Tashkent city territorial administration)

Article 13 of the Law “On competition”, Paragraph 3 “Shirin Asal Food” LLC was found to be misleading using “BAYAN SULU” designation with “BAYAN SULU” trademark of “Bayan Sulu” JSC (Kazakhstan).

Based on the results of consideration of the case No. 04/09 dated 23.06.2020 by the Special Commission of the Tashkent City Territorial Department, the relevant instructions were given to LLC “Shirin Asal Food” to stop and prevent further violations.


(Tashkent city territorial administration)

Article 13 of the Law “On competition”, Paragraph 3 The designation “UZBEGIM taamlari” used by “RAKATBOSHI TAOMLARI” LLC is considered to be similar to the trademark “UZBEGIM” owned by “Mavlono-Star” LLC.

Based on the results of consideration of the case No. 04/10 dated 29.06.2020 by the Special Commission of the Tashkent City Territorial Department, the relevant instructions were given to LLC “RAKATBOSHI TAOMLARI” to stop the violation and prevent further violations.

However, due to non-compliance with the requirements of the instruction, the Board extended the execution of the instruction until 31.08.2020, based on the requirements of paragraph 11 of Article 271 of the Code of Administrative Responsibility. However, the department was not informed about the implementation of the instruction.

Currently, the issue of bringing to administrative responsibility the officials of LLC “RAKATBOSHI TAOMLARI” is being considered.

18 LLC  Multi Trade Impex

(Tashkent city regional administration)


Article 13 of the Law “On competition”, Paragraph 3 The “UZBEGIM Taomalari” mark used by “Multi Trade Impex” LLC is considered to be misleading to “UZBEGIM” trademark owned by «Mavlono-Star» LLC.

Based on the results of consideration of the case No. 04/11 dated 29.06.2020 by the Special Commission of the Tashkent City Territorial Department, LLC  Multi Trade Impex was instructed to stop and prevent further violations.

However, due to non-compliance with the instructions, the Board extended the implementation of the instructions until 31.08.2020, based on the requirements of Article 271, paragraph 11 of the Code “On Administrative Liability”. Letter No. 26 dated 28.08.2020 from LLC  “Multi Trade Impex” provided information on compliance with the requirements of the instruction.


(Samarkand region regional administration)

Article 13 of the Law “On competition”, Paragraph 3 and 4 UNI FESTAL was found to be similar to the FESTAL trademark of Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH.

Based on the results of consideration of the case No. 16-01/03 dated 29.06.2020 by the Special Commission of the Samarkand Region Territorial Department instructed

LLC  “BIONIC” with the instructions to stop the violations.

20 “KOLIBRI” МЧЖ(Самарқанд вилояти

ҳудудий бошқармаси)


“Рақобат тўғрисида”ги Қонуннинг 13-моддаси  биринчи қисми учинчи ва тўртинчи хатбошилари “KOLIBRI” МЧЖ томонидан сотилаётган “Combitic Global Caplet Pvt.Ltd” компаниясининг “УНИ ФЕСТАЛ” дори воситасининг номи “Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH” компаниясининг “FESTAL/ ФЕСТАЛ” товар белгиси билан адаштириб юбориш даражасида ўхшаш деб топилган.Самарқанд вилояти ҳудудий бошқармаси Махсус комиссияси  томонидан 29.06.2020 йилдаги 17-01/03-сонли ишни кўриб чиқиш натижалари бўйича “KOLIBRI” МЧЖга “Combitic Global Caplet Pvt.Ltd” компаниясининг “УНИ ФЕСТАЛ” белгили дори воситасини республика ҳудудига киритиш ва сотишни тўхтатиш юзасидан кўрсатма берилган.

“KOLIBRI” МЧЖ томонидан кўрсатма талаблари бажарилган.


(Samarkand region regional administration)


Article 13 of the Law “On competition”, Paragraph 3 and 4 The appearance of “SAMARKAND” polyethylene bottles of drinking water produced by JV “MAROQAND PENSILVANIYA TRADE” LLC is similar to the trademark of “Garden High” polyethylene bottles of drinking water produced by LLC TESCO PLUS under the name.

Based on the results of consideration of the case No. 20-01/03 dated 28.08.2020 by the Special Commission of the Samarkand Region Territorial Department, JV “MAROQAND PENSILVANIYA TRADE” LLC was instructed to stop the violation and prevent further violations. LLC  “MAROQAND PENSILVANIYA TRADE” JV complied with the instructions.

22 )


The paragraph was removed from the register in accordance with the ruling № 5-1032-21 от 5.10.2021г. of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan
23 family business


(Tashkent region regional administration)

Article 13 of the Law “On competition”, Paragraph 3 The “HAM HAM” mark on the packaging of corn sweets produced by family business

“OSIYO TAROVATI” was found to be similar to the “HAM HAM” trademark of “ELIT GOLDEN GENERATION” LLC.

According to the results of consideration of the case No. 10/37 dated 06.01.2020 by the Special Commission of Tashkent region, family business “OSIYO TAROVATI” was instructed to stop the violation and prevent further violations.


“OSIYO TAROVATI” fulfilled the requirements of the instruction by 10.02.2020.

24 “Mirilikis” LLC

(Tashkent region regional administration)

Article 13 of the Law “On competition”, Paragraph 3 The Twics designation in confectionery produced by “Mirilikis” LLC is considered to be similar to the Twins brand of CHOCO SOFT LLC.

According to the results of consideration of the case No. 01/03 dated 28.01.2020 by the Special Commission of the Territorial Department of Tashkent region, “Mirilikis” LLC was instructed to stop the violation and prevent further violations. According to the letter No. 1 dated 04.03.2020 of LLC “Mirilikis”, the requirements of the instruction were fulfilled.


(Tashkent region regional administration)


Article 13 of the Law “On competition”, Paragraph 3 The Twic brand in confectionery produced by “FERUZ” LLC is considered to be similar to the Twins trademark of “CHOCO SOFT” LLC.

According to the results of consideration of the case No. 01/04 dated 28.01.2020 by the Special Commission of the Territorial Department of Tashkent region, “FERUZ” LLC was instructed to stop the violation and prevent further violations.

On 04.03.2020 of “FERUZ” LLC reported that the requirements of the instruction were fulfilled.


(Tashkent region regional administration)

Article 13 of the Law “On competition”, Paragraph 3 The BOONTY and MERS marks on the candies produced by “BIG-MAG PLYUS” LLC are considered to be similar to the BOUNTY and MARS trademarks of MARS, Incorporated.

According to the results of consideration of the case No. 01/05 dated 21.02.2020 by the Special Commission of the Tashkent Regional Territorial Department, “BIG-MAG PLYUS” LLC was instructed to stop the violation and prevent further violations.

On 27.03.2020 “BIG-MAG PLYUS” LLC informed that the requirements of the instruction have been fulfilled.

27 “Leder Invest Group” LLC

(Tashkent region regional administration)

Article 13 of the Law “On competition”, Paragraph 3 The “SADAF” mark on toilet paper produced by Jasmin- LLC “Alex” was found to be similar to the “SADAF” trademark of “Leder Invest Group” LLC.

According to the results of consideration of the case No. 10/17 dated 17.08.2020 by the Special Commission of Tashkent region “Leder Invest Group” LLC was instructed to stop the violation and prevent further violations.



(Tashkent region regional administration)

Article 13 of the Law “On competition”, Paragraph 3 The sign “Uzbegim” used by “NAVRUZ-OZR” LLC in the provision of public catering services was found to be similar to the sign “Uzbegim” in the national food outlet of “Mavlono-Star” LLC.

According to the results of consideration of the case No. 10/18 dated 17.08.2020 by the special commission, “NAVRUZ-OZR” LLC was found to have violated the requirements of the first part of Article 13 of the Law “On Competition”.


(Tashkent region regional administration)

Article 13 of the Law “On competition”, Paragraph 3 The image of an eagle on the lids of “Melnik” and “Zolotoy kolos” breweries of “BARAKA IMPEX” LLC is considered to be similar to the trademark of “Uzbekarlsberg” LLC in the form of an eagle on the lid of “SARBAST” beer.

According to the results of consideration of the case No. 10/13 dated 22.07.2020 by the special commission, “BARAKA IMPEX” LLC was found to have violated the requirements of the first part of Article 13 of the Law on Competition.

On 20.08.2020  “BARAKA IMPEX” LLC informed that the requirements of the instruction have been fulfilled.


(Khorezm region

regional administration)


Article 13 of the Law “On competition”, Paragraph 3 The ALFA PLAST mark used by “ALFA PLAST” LLC is considered to be similar to the AKFA PLAST trademark of J-UNITED GROUP LLC. According to the results of the case No. 06-07/01 dated 13.02.2020 by the special commission of the Khorezm regional territorial administration, “ALFA PLAST” LLC was instructed to stop and prevent further violations, and eventually it complied with the instructions.
“Рақобат тўғрисида”ги Қонуннинг 13-моддаси, биринчи қисми учинчи ва тўртинчи хатбошилари “INFINITY FOOD” МЧЖ томонидан ишлаб чиқарилган макарон маҳсулотидаги «MaxiBon» савдо белгиcи ва қадоқлаш қутисида ишлатилган дизайн «Sunecho Limited» (Кипр) компания-сининг маҳсулотлар учун аввал рўйҳатга олинган «BigBon» белгиларига график ва тасвирий ўхшаш деб топилган.Қўмита Махсус комиссияси томонидан 02.10.2020 йилдаги 12/44-иш ишни кўриб чиқиш натижалари бўйича “INFINITY FOOD” МЧЖ га қонунбузилиш ҳолатини тўхтатиш ва келгусида йўл қўймаслик тўғрисида кўрсатма берилган.
32 «MIN GOOD LIFE» LLC “Рақобат тўғрисида”ги Қонуннинг 13-моддаси, биринчи қисми учинчи ва тўртинчи хатбошилари «MIN GOOD LIFE» МЧЖ томонидан «Sweet Ice Tea» номи остида ишлаб чиқарилган салқин чой ичимлиги идишининг ташқи кўриниши для розлива «SMILE LUX» МЧЖнинг MGU 26989 гувоҳнома билан рўйҳатга олинган товар белгисига ўхшаш деб топилган.Қўмита Махсус комиссияси томонидан 05.10.2020 йилдаги 12/43-сонли ишни кўриб чиқиш натижалари бўйича «MIN GOOD LIFE» МЧЖга қонунбузилиш ҳолатини тўхтатиш ва келгусида йўл қўймаслик тўғрисида кўрсатма берилган.
33 MASTONA JSC Article 13 of the Law “On competition”, Paragraphs 3rd and 4th. The designation “Uloqchi” related to MASTONA JSC was graphically similar to the trademark “Чўпонча” of AFSAR COMPANY LTD.

Based on the results of the review by the Special Commission of the case №12/47 dated 16.10.2020 MASTONA JSC was instructed to stop and prevent further violations of the Competition Law.

34 JV “TITANS CO” Article 13 of the Law “On competition”, Paragraphs 3rd and 4th. The designation “TITANS” related to TITANS CO was graphically similar to the trademark “ELTITANS”.

Based on the results of the review by the Special Commission of the case №12/52 dated 27.10.2020 TITANS CO was instructed to stop and prevent further violations of the Competition Law.

35 PE “KONIMEX MAX DRIVE” Article 13 of the Law “On competition”, Paragraphs 3rd and 4th. The designation “KORZINKA” related to “KONIMEX MAX DRIVE” Private Enterprise was graphically similar to the trademark “Korzinka” of “ANGLESEY FOOD” JSC.

Based on the results of the review by the Special Commission of the case № Т-6-03/25 dated 11.11.2020 “KONIMEX MAX DRIVE” Private Enterprise was instructed to stop and prevent further violations of the Competition Law.

36 GRAND KORZINKA LLC Article 13 of the Law “On competition”, Paragraphs 3rd and 4th. The designation “Grand Korzinka” related to “Grand Korzinka” Private Enterprise was graphically similar to the trademark “Korzinka” of “ANGLESEY FOOD” JSC.

Based on the results of the review by the Special Commission of the case Т-6-03/26 dated 25.11.2020 “Grand Korzinka” Private Enterprise was instructed to stop and prevent further violations of the Competition Law.

37 LLC “MALXAM SERVIS” Article 13 of the Law “On competition”, Paragraphs 3rd and 4th. The designation “Uni-Festal” related to MALXAM SERVIS LLC was graphically similar to the trademark “Festal” of Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH.

Based on the results of the review by the Special Commission of the case №04/28 dated 23.11.2020 MALXAM SERVIS LLC was instructed to stop and prevent further violations of the Competition Law.

38 «SWEET SNAP» LLC Article 13 of the Competition Law, Paragraph 3 The “Kat Ket” designation used on the sweets produced by “SWEET SNAP” LLC are considered similar to the Kit Kat trademark of Nestle Company.

According to the results of consideration of the case No. 12/1 dated 12.01.2021 by the Special Commission of the Antimonopoly Committee “SWEET SNAP” LLC was instructed to stop and prevent further violations