Online meeting was held between Antimonopoly committee representatives and the consultant of Institutional Capacity Building (IBL) program.

In accordance with the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No.553-F on June 28, 2019 year, Instruction No.02/103-3 on March 10, 2020 year and Resolution No. 668 on October 30, 2020 year, the Antimonopoly Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan (AMC) is a recipient under Component 3: Improving Support Mechanisms…

AI-80 gasoline is becoming cheaper

Analysis of the Antimonopoly Committee and Fergana Oil Refinery LLC conducted an analysis of the starting price of AI-80 gasoline and reduced the cost of 1 liter of gasoline from 7,555 soums to 6,500 soums or 16% due to the reduction of some production costs. reduction was achieved. At the same time, a working group…