Online meeting was held between Antimonopoly committee representatives and the consultant of Institutional Capacity Building (IBL) program.

In accordance with the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No.553-F on June 28, 2019 year, Instruction No.02/103-3 on March 10, 2020 year and Resolution No. 668 on October 30, 2020 year, the Antimonopoly Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan (AMC) is a recipient under Component 3: Improving Support Mechanisms…


The students of Tashkent State University of Economics have completed a 3-month course on “Competitive Strategies” trained by the Innovation Coordination Laboratory of the Antimonopoly Committee under the Indonesian International Joint Education Program (IJDP). During the training course, IJDP students gained knowledge on strategies to increase the competitiveness of enterprises in the market and long-term…

Unfair competitive environment in the book world

The Antimonopoly Committee investigated the situation with unfair competition in the book publishing market based on the application of “YANGI ASR AVLODI” LLC. Investigation identified a number of problems in market. One of the issues is related to the authors, the other – to publishers. In one case, the author of a work or the…

Execution of the instruction of the Committee or on disputes related to “MERRYMED FARM” LLC

It is known that Hungary’s “CHINOIN GyogyszeresVegyeszetiTermekekGyaraZrt.” is a member of the world-famous pharmaceutical holding company SANOFI. «CHINOIN GyogyszeresVegyeszetiTermekekGyaraZrt.» The company is an internationally registered “NO-ShPA / NO-SPA” in 1996 and is the legal owner of the trademark in the form of a box of this drug. These trademarks are also protected in the territory…